OS Windows98
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts often increase your efficiency in Windows 98. Here is a list of common Windows 98 shortcuts to speed things up:
F1: Help F2: Rename
F3: Find F4: Gives combo box focus in an Explorer window
F5: Refresh F6: Switches between panes in an Explorer window
F10: Menu mode Shift+F10: Context menu for selected item
Shift+Enter*: Explore the object (such as a directory) Backspace: Goes to the parent folder (in an Explorer window)
Shift+Close: Closes folder and all parent folders Ctrl+A: Select all (in an Explorer window)
Ctrl+X: Cut Ctrl+V: Paste
Ctrl+Z: Undo Alt+Tab: Switches between applications
Shift+Del: Delete files immediately without putting them into the Recycle Bin Shift+Drag a file: Forces a move
Ctrl+Drag a file: Forces a copy Shift+Ctrl+Drag a file: Creates a shorcut of an object
Ctrl+Esc: Brings up Start menu
Windows Keyboard specific:
Win+R: Run dialog Win+M: Minimize All Shift+Win+M: Undo Minimize All
Win+F1: Windows Help Win+E: Explorer (opens in 'My Computer') Win+F: Find Files or Folders
CTRL+Win+F: Find Computer Win+Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons Win+Break: PSS Hotkey... (System properties)

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